Media and information literacy are defined as one's ability to locate, obtain, and evaluate information. Both terms imply gathering facts and analyzing the information's worth to solve a problem, however, they differ in that media literacy involves taking the next step by producing media in a variety of forms. One needs skills not only in research but also in critical thinking. The importance of being an information-literate individual is to be able to create new understandings and convey topics that you have researched in an efficient and effective way.
An information-literate individual is able to:
* Determine the extent of information needed.
* Access the needed information effectively and efficiently.
* Evaluate the information and its sources critically.
* Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base.
* Apply prior and new information to construct new concepts or create new
* Understand the cultural, ethical, economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of 
   information, and access and use of information ethically and legally.
Note. The differences between new media literacy and information literacy can be observed from this image stating the list of differences and similarities. From What is the difference between information literacy and Media Literacy, by Pediaa.Com.
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