Social Media for Microlearning 
​​     Bite-sized learning is another name for ​Microlearning​.​ In our technology-inundated world, attention spans are getting shorter, digital screens are replacing paper, and education is changing with it (Brittany, 2023). (Pinterest ​ Social​ media platforms have weaved their way into education, training, and development for adults and young learners by creating more engaging and modern technology. ​Linked In provides a plethora of subject matter experts, YouTube has millions of instructional videos, Twitter and Facebook engage through social learning, and there are so many options for other social media platforms that enhance learning for everyone, young and old.​ In 2017, it was estimated that 80% of ​internet​ users owned a smart device (​eLearning​ Infographics, 2021). Mobile learning products and services reached 8.4 billion in 2014. This year market size and shares are expected to be 60 billion and estimated to reach 184 billion by 2028 (GlobalNewsWire, 2023).  
​​     Using digital technology and the instructional method, ​mobile​ microlearning chunks educational units into segments smaller than five minutes (Lee et al., 2021).​ However, a disadvantage of learning on a smart device is that it can be a distraction as much as it is a blessing. Users can be pulled away by a text message or notification and never return to complete the learning they started because we are more distracted than ever before. Social media platforms are designed to be addicting and we keep coming back repeatedly. Microsoft did a study and found that humans seek easily digestible content because we are unable to truly focus for more than eight seconds at a time (Pappas, 2023). If we harness this information, we can create bursts of learning in digestible chunks, which is microlearning. 
     Microlearning fits into a three-stage lifecycle, according to Michelle Israel; ​readiness​, ​discovery​, and ​reinforcement​. (Pinterest ​ This​ life cycle is remarkably similar to the four-activity design. In an article from 2021, Jahnke stated that mobile microlearning design (MML) should be based on the following four learner activities: 
* Learners understand the relevance of the topic (an ​aha​ moment). (Gagne’s #1: Gain the attention of the ​students​).  
​* ​They read and engage with interactive content. (Gagne’s #4: Present the content).​  
​* ​They apply the learned content in short exercises. (Gagne’s #6: Elicit ​performance​, ​meaning​ students ​practice​).​  
* ​​They receive immediate automated feedback on performance. (Gagne’s #7: Provide feedback and #8: Assess performance).​ 
     In 2014, a large-scale data analysis was completed to examine video length for engagement; six to nine minutes was the average amount of time a learner spent watching a video lesson, and anything over that was unfinished (McKee, 2022). Combining the information learned from this study with Jahnke’s MML (mobile microlearning) design gives a great layout for designing an engaging lesson. 
​​     Snapchat and TikTok have become the go-to hub for microlearning because of their short-form videos and algorithms that have made it easy to find information in a very short time (Pappas, 2023).​ ​Pinterest is the main platform for creative infographics to reinforce topics or introduce and use as attention grabbers.​ Instagram is similar in that it has visual appeal due to its photo-sharing platform but has also adopted short-form video styles to compete with TikTok and Snapchat. You Tube, maybe the first of the social media platforms, has millions of instructional videos that are very animated and help learners of all ages understand the content in different ways. ​Linked-In and Facebook are great for networking, creating discussion groups, or sharing ideas amongst like-minded individuals.​ Linked-In is also known for its vast number of industry experts and for being a more professional platform compared to others.  
     Social media platforms are not all distracting, addicting, attention-span-shortening monsters; they also have numerous benefits and can be valuable tools for educators. As previously mentioned, they deliver information in various formats, can be personalized, cost-effective, easily accessed, convenient, and can reach a global audience. There are some drawbacks to social platforms that you must be mindful of such as: breaches in security, inappropriate content, cyber-bullying, privacy, and scammers. Social media platforms will be part of the future of education and training as they have made huge contributions to the microlearning model and will only continue to improve. 

 Brittany. (2023, June 21). ​The best of bite-sized learning - week one.​ The Colorado Classroom. 
Israel, M. (2017, Dec 12). Microlearning: ​what​’s really important? Getting InSync. 
McKee, C., & Ntokos, K. (2022). ​Online microlearning and student engagement in computer games higher education.​ Research in Learning Technology, 30, 1–12. 
Lee, Y.-M., Jahnke, I., & Austin, L. (2021). ​Mobile microlearning design and effects on learning efficacy and learner experience.​ Educational Technology Research & Development, 69(2), 885–915. 
eLearning Infographics. (2017, February 20). Mobile device adoption stats and facts infographic - e-learning infographics. stats-facts-infographic/ 
GlobalNewsWire. (2023, August 10). Mobile Learning Market Size & Share Analysis - Growth Trends & Forecasts (2023 - 2028). GlobeNewswire. Learning-Market-Size-Share-Analysis-Growth-Trends-Forecasts-2023-   2028.html#:~:text=The%20Mobile%20Learning%20Market%20size,period%20(2023%2D2028 
Pappas, C. (2023, March 14). How social media has made microlearning even more popular. eLearning Industry. microlearning-even-more-popular 


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