To be an instructional designer means having the unique pleasure of creating innovative courses that will help others grow and learn in any field. The ability to be able to design and create engaging content is a talent that not everyone has. I take special pride in being able to use my creativity to be flexible and help learners of all backgrounds and abilities. There are certain acceptable behaviors that ethically, we must abide by in the profession of instructional design. These moral dimensions include collaboration with stakeholders, using evidence-based research while respecting intellectual property, and ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. An instructional designer should be able to access learners' needs and provide measurable outcomes. Designers prioritize a learner-centered approach by creating relevant, engaging, and respectfully diverse courses with as many barriers removed as possible to ensure an inclusive learning environment. 
Goal et al. (2019) created a purposeful design of seven key principles for designing online content.
7 Key Principles:
1. Learning by example (construct knowledge by interpreting experiences) 
2. Learning by doing (actively engaging learners to do and think about the why) 
3. Adaptive feedback (exercises to practice what they have learned with feedback) 
4. Learning through reflection (journaling, peer and self-assessment, portfolios) 
5. Four-phase instruction principle 
​​     a. Activation of prior experience​ 
​​     b. Demonstration of skills​ 
​​     c. Application of skills​ 
​​     d. Integration of skills​ with ​real world activities​ 
6. Personalization principle (engaging in social conversation with peers) 
7. Multimedia principle (prepared visuals vs on screen text/notes) 

I have taken the best from each framework and combined it to create this comprehensive blueprint.

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